How Much Coffee Makes YOU Anxious?

How Much Coffee Makes You Anxious

For some people it’s a sip, for some it’s anything over 2 cups. For me, it’s having more than 1 cup in a day. But I notice that even 1 cup raises things to a higher pitch, a little hum of urgency and agitation. And more sweating. Here’s a natural way of reducing anxiety that’s…

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When to “Expect” a Double Peak

when to expect a double peak leilani navar

I got the flu a few months ago, and had a Double Peak for the first time years. I ovulated 10 days later than I usually do, and had a 40-day cycle. That means the window in which I could have gotten pregnant was about 10 days later than it typically is for me. I…

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Consider this Your Permission Slip

Consider this your permission slip

You know that feeling that you can’t/shouldn’t take care of your own well-being because others are relying on you? Me too. I lived long years feeling like too much hung in the balance for me to bail on my responsibilities and take a nap, or a walk, or the time to write down a dream,…

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I’m Not Sorry You Didn’t Shave Before Acupuncture

I'm Not Sorry You Didn't Shave Before Acupuncture

I’ve given thousands of acupuncture treatments, and it’s gotta be more than 100 times a woman has warned me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t shave.” When someone says sorry to me for this, I feel like it’s her who is owed an apology. An apology from everyone who ever told her that her body’s hair was…

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Blood Deficiency & Foods that Help

Blood Deficiency and Foods that Help

June New Moon greetings! A note this month about that period-time tiredness, restless sleep, and craving for red meat – and some foods that can help. All those symptoms, and several others, are related to the Chinese medicine idea of “Blood deficiency” (or “Blood vacuity”). When your Blood is not rich with all that it…

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