Skills for Resilience

Skills for Resilience by Leilani Navar

So, there are some reasons to be alarmed right now, and reasons to be taking action. I feel there are the same reasons to be cultivating adaptability and resilience for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities. I’ve been reflecting on the skills/mindsets that I hope will serve me, my family and our community no matter…

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5 Ways Dreams Invite You to Insights about Your Physical Health

5 Ways Dreams Invite Insights about Physical Health by Leilani Navar at

You’ve had those dreams, right, that you just know are important? But you have no idea what they mean? In my experience, every dream is significant. But at first glance, I usually have no idea what a dream means either. Stepping into dreamwork is like stepping blindfolded into a space filled with sounds, scents, and…

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Metal Element Imagery In Dreams

Metal imagery in dreams Five Element dream interpretation by Leilani Navar at

Yes and no. The radiance of sound and light. Poignancy. Grief. In the cosmology of Chinese medicine, these resonate with the Metal element. This means they also resonate with the Lungs – think of an inhale, discernment of what stays (oxygen) and what goes (carbon dioxide), then an exhale. The Large Intestine is our other “Metal…

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Metal Element Imagery in Dreams

Metal Imagery Symbols in Dreams for Healing and Chinese Medicine by Leilani Navar

Yes and no. The radiance of sound and light. Poignancy. Grief. In the cosmology of Chinese medicine, these resonate with the Metal element. This means they also resonate with the Lungs – think of an inhale, discernment of what stays and what goes, and an exhale. The Large Intestine – which also sorts what stays…

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