Why Bring Dreamwork and Chinese Medicine Together?

Why Bring Dreams and Chinese Medicine Together by Leilani Navar at healgrowthriveflow.com

I’ve had to admit that only certain people lean in and ask for more when I say, “I had such an interesting dream last night…” Others give a vague, “Hm,” or steer the conversation to another subject. And that’s fine. I love talking about dreams – with people who love talking about dreams. When a…

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Why Bring Dreamwork and Chinese Medicine Together?

Why Dreams with Chinese Medicine dream group interpretation symbolism by Leilani Navar at thedreamersden.org

I’ve had to admit that only certain people lean in and ask for more when I say, “I had such an interesting dream last night…” Others give a vague, “Hm,” or steer the conversation to another subject. And that’s fine. I love talking about dreams – with people who love talking about dreams. When a friend shares a…

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