Ways We Can Work Together

Take Heart: Embodying the Great Turning

facilitated by Erin Geesaman Rabke of Embodiment Matters & Leilani Wong Navar of Turning Season

with special guests Francis Weller, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Cynthia Jurs, and Lydia Violet Harutoonian

In-Person Acupuncture, Integrative Functional Medicine, Herbal Medicine, CranioSacral Therapy & Dreamwork

I offer comprehensive, holistic care for people of all ages and genders, with specialties in:

  • female hormonal health and fertility
  • anxiety and insomnia
  • gut health
  • and deeper-level healing that honors the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of you

using the tools of

  • Acupuncture
  • Classical Chinese herbal medicine
  • modern scientific functional medicine lab tests, treatments, and nutritional supplements
  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • Dreamwork
  • and Fertility Awareness

The Work that Reconnects & Somatic Practice and Support Groups

Monthly Work that Reconnects practice circle, Wednesdays 10am-11:30am Pacific Time. Join in regularly, or come once! No experience necessary. Every session, we touch on the entire Spiral of the Work that Reconnects, and dive deep into one stage of the Spiral.

At School for the Great Turning, we're dedicated to fostering personal and planetary care, and carrying on the work of Joanna Macy. We offer online courses and in-person retreats, and an ongoing series of monthly events to nourish mind, body, heart, soul and community in these times.

It's my joy to serve as Assistant Director of the school, and get to be part of our amazing crew of facilitators of the Work that Reconnects, and our Somatic Practice & Support Circle.

One-on-One Dreamwork

In a one-on-one dreamwork sessions, we explore your (sleeptime) dreams for healing, insight, inspiration, and guidance. In these sessions, you can

  • share a dream or series of dreams with me to explore and discover what the dream is bringing you
  • engage your dream with curiosity, body-awareness, intuition and attention to your life stories and symbols, until we arrive at the rich truths - or the new questions - that are waiting for you
  • release stagnation in yourself that’s ready to move (whether at the level of body, mind, spirit, emotions, or other)
  • deepen connection with the unseen in your life, in nature, and in our world
  • and connect to new possibility

You can click here to read about past clients’ experiences.

To get a feel for how I relate to dreams, click here to view recorded 1-on-1 sessions.

Click here for more dreamwork resources, including my 35-episode podcast series, The Dreamers' Den: Dreamwork in Good Company.

Sign up and I'll send you my free videos about how to do acupressure on yourself, and I'll keep in touch a few times per month with more helpful info.